25 August 1544: The ‘Quene Regente’ writes Henry VIII

[Endorsed] The queen’s Grace to the King’s majesty 25 August 1544

[Addressed] To the King’s most excellency majesty

Pleaseth it your majesty to be advertised: albeit I had at this present none occurrences of importance to be signified unto your highness, your realm being, thanks to almighty God, in very good order and quiet: yet, foreasmuch as Richard Higham is at this time dispatched hence unto your majesty with a mass of twenty thousand pounds, I thought it my duty to advertise your majesty of the sending of the same, praying almighty God to send your majesty continuance of health and most prosperous success in all your highness’s most notable enterprises.

My Lord Prince and the rest of your majesty’s children be in very good health. And thus, with my most humble commendations unto your majesty, I pray almighty God have the same in His most blessed keeping. From your majesty’s honor of Hampton Court, the twenty-fifth of August, the thirty-sixth year of your majesty’s most noble reign.

Your grace’s most humble, loving wife and servant,

Kateryn the quene, KP

Katherine Parr: Complete Works and Correspondences edited by Janel Mueller, 2011. (Google eBooks preview)

It was in August of 1544 that the General Regent is recorded as signing her letter “Kateryn the quene Regente, KP” keeping with her signature of “Kateryn the quene, KP” as consort.

Source: “Henry VIII: July 1544, 21-25.” Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 19 Part 1, January-July 1544. Eds. James Gairdner, and R H Brodie. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1903. 581-596. British History Online. Web. 26 August 2023. http://www.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol19/no1/pp581-596.

Katherine’s signature as Queen Regent.

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